Time Tracker App


Time tracking made simple.

Time tracker App combines the simplicity of your average timer app, while still providing valuable insights for your project time management needs. Coming soon.

Track time anywhere.

Iphone holder
Time tracker app mobile dashboard overview
Time tracker app mobile project overview

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Coming soon!

Why another time tracker app?

As a self-employed freelancer, I wanted a tool that is simple enough for just tracking time for the projects I worked on.

I made my invoices and contracts myself and just wanted an application that could track my time for the various projects I was working on. No more than that! And even though I thought this was an app that must be out there somewhere, it was hard to find one that was simple enough for my time management needs.

Time tracker app is already working great for me and I use it every day for my own freelance projects. I already saved lots of time with it and I love it’s simplicity.

Now I want to help other people get a hold on the time they spend on their projects too! I often saw these large SaaS products that have a time tracker tool, but oftentimes offer this as part of a larger package including invoicing, contracting etc. Oftentimes it was quite hard to just use it for time tracking alone and was quite costly, because of these extra features.

That’s why I want to offer this app for 1 coffee a month!

Yes it’s going to cost only $5 a month for unlimited access. You can already start tracking time for free including 3 projects. I think that’s quite a nice deal!

© 2021 Time Tracker App